Category: IT consultants in Singapore

Cloud Computing


Businesses have shown their interest and belief in cloud computing. It allows setting up of a virtual office, providing you the flexibility to connect to your business whenever you want. So, whether you are using any number of web-enabled devices e.g. Smartphone, tablets, etc, to access to your data, it makes things easier.

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5 Steps to Pricing Managed IT Services

5 Steps to Pricing Managed IT Services

How much should managed IT support service providers bill their customers? Most often, it is very difficult for managed service providers to determine the right price for their services. There are some useful methods to ensure the right price. In this post, we will list out some useful steps to do exactly the same.

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X-as-a-service (XaaS): The Future of Cloud Computing

While all cloud users are excited about the future form of cloud, experts have already begun to loosely define it as X-as-a-Service (XaaS). And though the structure of XaaS is not easily describable at this point of time, we can always expect it to be more complicated and efficient than what we have at present! Read on to know more!

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