Can Microsoft Hit The Mark With Windows 10 In Singapore?

Windows is about to launch the new Windows 10, with a host of features, which promise it to be an improvement over the previous Windows 8. According to Microsoft, many of the previous negatives have been dealt with, and some interesting new features will be provided as part of the package.

Windows 10 Singapore

Things to note about the Windows 10, the most important are:

1. A Special Version for Mobile Users

A version of the Windows 10 will be launched, especially for mobile phones and tablets. The features however will remain the same across the platforms with the exception of platform specific necessities.

2. The Start Menu Will Be Back

One of the most sought after answers, Microsoft has assured customers that the much loved start menu will make a comeback. The absence of the start button in the previous version had strongly worked against the growth of the edition.

3. Features from The Phone

Features previously exclusive to the smart phone like text prediction and auto-correct will make their way over to other platforms as well. A host of previous phone only features will also be seen in the new edition.

4. Use Multiple Apps Simultaneously

In the previous editions, modernized apps ran in full-screen and there was no option to switch between two tasks. In the new Windows 10 environment, modern apps will run like traditional window software allowing you to work on multiple apps at the same time.

5. Last Word: Windows 10 In Singapore

The promises made so far, look good on paper and the IT support fraternity is warming up to the task of managing these services.  IT services in Singapore can profit from the multi-tasking and all-in-one platform capabilities of the Windows 10 edition. As work is regularly being transferred between platforms, a similar environment in each can only mean better efficiency. Microsoft Windows 10 is most likely to hit the nail on the head in Singapore.