Category: Cloud Computing

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Top 5 IT Services Tips For Small Businesses

IDC (International Data Corporation) has predicted a 15% growth in IT spending this year on cloud and mobile platform technologies. This news has brought a smile on the faces of SME owners because it will also give them a chance to protect their business interests within a small budget for deploying managed IT services. Besides, following 5 IT services tips are going to improve your business performance which is obviously what you desire.

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Be prepared to protect and manage your sensitive data

Cases of data breaches make headlines almost every day in some part of the world. It’s advisable to prepare now and take preemptive measures instead of having to regret later! Not just large scale companies but SMEs too need to stay abreast of the latest trends in IT security especially if they’re using cloud solutions.

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Design Considerations for High Availability on Cloud Computing Database Systems

Cloud computing hosts almost all the answers to every question asked in the real-world. Users want their systems to serve at all the times without meeting ever going down. Achieving 24X7 data availability on the cloud requires some serious database design considerations and in this post, we’re going to discuss exactly that.

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