Positive Feedback from Clients Drives More Business

Only an employee who works hard can understand the significance of customer feedback. After all, besides getting a good pay by the company, positive feedback from the customers is a reward for his/her hard-work.
Positive Feedback from Clients Drives More Business

“We all need people who will give us feedback. That’s how we improve.”                                                                                                                     ~Bill Gates

A positive feedback is thus very crucial in every field, regardless of industry, employee or client. However, since years, feedback has been typically the most misused management tools, particularly when it comes to performance evaluations. The negative feedback is associated with the employees’ performance without the recognition of efforts and achievements. But, it’s a fact that if commenced and conveyed appropriately, feedback can serves as an extremely worthy and effective management tool.

So, let’s see the major benefits of getting positive feedback from the clients in a professional world. Have a look:

1. Morale and Motivation – Employees get a real boost when they are praised by their customers. It gives them confidence that their hard work is on the right track, and that they are an asset to their business. Also, the peace of mind they get plays an important role in their performance. Above all, every time it happens, employees feel like a hero.

2. Reputation  Organizations today wants their customers to give their feedback before they tell anybody else. If it’s positive, companies can benefit from it, rejoice, and thank them. Even it is negative, companies tend to fix it and keep them as a client assuring them that the problem doesn’t happen again. So, by the time they tell their friends, companies get a chance to shine.

3. Competitive advantage Positive Feedback is like a trump card for the companies to win in competitive bids. As such, having independent reviews about their price and capability act as evidence that they are better at service than others. This makes them the obvious choice in the market.

4. Referrals – Word of mouth recommendations play an important role in bringing new clients in, which helps a business grow. Companies want their clients to rave about how good they are at the services.

5. Customer acquisition – Publishing positive feedback from the clients and other responses proves that a company is great to do business with. This makes people much more confident to associate with the.
Both positive and negative forms of feedback are necessary for the successful initiation and continual growth of a business entity or employee.

So, which is the best feedback you have got till date??


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