Windows 10 will hit general availability in ‘late July”

Basically official since April 2014, and revealed to skip 9 branding last September in an effort to drastically alter everything 8 and 8.1 messed up, Windows 10 is inching closer and closer to a full release.

Windows 10

Technically, techies not afraid of a few bugs and system instability issues can already try out the newest iteration of the world’s most popular desktop OS, both on PCs and mobile devices. But as far as a silky smooth (hopefully) version is concerned, the digital world must wait.

Until fall, we used to believe, then late summer, it started to creep up on everyone, and now, July looks like an extremely plausible deadline. “Late July”, to be specific, or so Lisa Su, the President and CEO of AMD, understands.

Something tells us the head honcho of a semiconductor giant knows what she’s talking about, and nowhere in the transcripts of a surprisingly revelatory company earnings call does she specify this is an assumption.

Instead, AMD’s very Q2 financial forecast upholds and leans on Win 10’s due date, with “a bit of a delay to the normal back-to-school season inventory build-up” expected. In theory, yes, late July grants schools and students enough time to get on the bandwagon before classes begin, but Microsoft can’t just flick a switch and load up every home and academic institution with Windows 10 gear.

Adoption is likely to be as slow as always, despite free upgrades going out to current Win 7 and 8.1 owners and hardware manufacturers no doubt all set to launch machines running the fresh OS out the box.

It will also be interesting to see if the first Windows 10-powered Lumia phone shall see daylight three months from now, as well as the timing for older model updates. Keep in touch, because Redmond’s Build Developer Conference kicks off April 29, and a boatload of precious intel must transpire from the event.

SourceDigital Trends