Microsoft confirms new web browser, sorry Internet Explorer we’ll miss you

None of us who have been using IE since its launch back in 1995 would have expected that there will come a day when the Windows OS will run without the Internet Explorer; and Microsoft is just about keeping our thoughts alive. No doubt Microsoft is building a new web browser for the modern web and mobile devices that will go with its Windows 10 operating system, but the Internet Explorer will also be available – Microsoft is not doing away completely with the IE just yet, since many business houses are still using the web-based software which rely on the Internet Explorer. Microsoft will thus support both IE and the new browser for few more years before it plans to completely scratch the browser out of business.

Internet Explorer- We will Miss you

IE has been competing with the competitor web browsers for 20 years; it’s now for the first time that Microsoft is launching its own alternative of the IE. Microsoft has announced the new browser, which is known inside the company as Project Spartan in January. The new, yet to be named browser will be made available along with Windows 10 later this year.

Microsoft Marketing Chief Chris Capossela went on record to inform at the tech conference in Atlanta that the company is in process of naming the new web browser, which of course will not include the word Explorer. According to the company, the new Windows 10 operating system will surely appeal to computer and mobile users alike, and the new browser will only add to the fun.

All those who have been using the Explorer would agree that the web browser has been losing reputation for not being a browser as fast as some of the other new age ones such as the Google Chrome or the Mozilla Firefox. Market research shows that Internet Explorer is outpaced by the likes of Chrome and Firefox in the recent years.

Some analysts however believe Explorer is still the leading web browser on desktop PCs, but it does lag behind mobile browsers made by Google or Mozilla for the tablets and smartphones.