How to Create a Robust BYOD Policy
Learn here how to create an effective BYOD policy that not only secures your data but also offers convenience to the employees.)
BYOD means Bring Your Own Device. It is a policy that allows employees to bring their devices to the workplace. Nowadays, it has become an evolving trend among IT companies.
However, not all IT managers are comfortable with that due to security issues. The below-given points help you address liability concerns, employee experience, and security when creating a BYOD policy.
Involve All Departments in the Process:
All interested parties are required to be part of the process, from senior level to the HR, legal departments, IT and accounting.
It helps you create a comprehensive plan that covers all your technical, security, legal and regulatory concerns.
What Devices Will Be Acceptable?
Make a list of the devices that are acceptable at the workplace. For example, you may allow Android smartphone or specific iPhone models. Or you can allow them to bring their own iPad but no other phones or tablets. There are some considerations to make. First, what devices your employees have? Second, what devices can be monitored with your tracking or monitoring systems?
Simply put, you need to define what files, devices, and applications are allowed inside the workplace.
Discuss Your BYOD Policy with Your People:
These policies only serve a purpose if your employees understand the requirements and are aware of the process. You can communicate your BYOD policies by holding a seminar, creating a guidebook, or sitting each employee down with your IT personals. However, the explanation should be simple and customized to each audience.
Use Identification or Passwords:
Make sure to set up an access token like password or identification pin. This step will be useful as some people don’t have passwords on their mobile or laptops, making your data vulnerable to the threat originating from these devices.
Make a Secure Exit Strategy:
What about employees who are going to leave your organization? Make sure to clean their devices for any proprietary information so that it can’t be misused or sold outside by them.