Advent of wearable technology and its impact on small business

Over a period of time smartphones have improved our lives considerable, and today none of us can think of a life without a smartphone. Much like the phones have had an impact on you lives, wearable technology is poised to follow the same route.

Wearable Devices

Wearable gadgets, as discussed, have made the initial movement in the market space, but the real wave is still to come. Companies around the world are creating everything from smartwatches to wearable phones, and from fitness trackers to smart eyewear, they are trying their best to create the next big thing in the wearable market (which is believed to be almost an $8 billion industry by the year 2018).

If this prediction unfolds to be true, then we can easily consider that wearable are going to have the same impact on our lives that smartphone have had in the past years.

We are comparing smartphones to wearable just for one primary reason; this is to foresee an impact that wearables will ultimately have on our lives and on smaller organizations. While, smartphone eventually transformed into the most effective tools for all business (especially the small ones), will wearables become the same? Wearables devices are going to help employees in somewhat the same way, and it’s already begun to show. According to the one of the studies released in UK, employees using wearable’s are found to be 8.5 percent more productive at work, in comparison with employees without such wearable devices. Wearable devices are helping employees do more in an effective manner, just like with use of smartphones.

The growing amount of happiness, efficiency and productivity with the use of wearable devices goes to prove that wearable technology is going to provide a much significant boast to the business function of small organizations. Besides, productivity of the employees; wearable technology is also going to assist small business remain more competitive.

Small businesses have more freedom to experiment, and wearable are going to assist in a big way.