6 must-know data backup trends in 2022

Many people ignore the impact data has on our daily lives. We would be unable to interact with our customers, conduct business, or analyse the data. Data backups has changed the way that we live and work. It can be rightly said that data is everywhere.

According to predictions, the data industry will likely reach a value of $90 billion by 2025.

The security of data and its backup are equally important.

As we increase our data needs, it is important to look at data backup and archive trends to ensure that we have the digital data we desire without losing it or allowing them to fall into the wrong hands.


In this blog, Let’s look at some data backups and storage trends and make predictions for the future for 2022 and many years ahead.


●     Follow 3-2-1 Strategy


Hard drives don’t last forever. Therefore, the 3-2-1 Strategy is a good strategy to use when backing up data trends.

This Strategy allows for three copies of your data, two types of storage, namely offline or online, and one offsite copy for a physical file archive.

Thus. this Strategy increases the chances of data backups.


●     Cloud-based adoption


Previously, people needed to be on-site or have storage devices to access data. But luckily, Cloud-based systems eliminate information silos and allow everyone to have access to all data that is important to them.


●     Computer learning and automation


Data backups and storage will see automation rise to save time, energy and resources. Automated backup and archiving also remove the intricacies that can slow down employees’ performance at work.

Companies should consider data storage software, backup software, and solutions that automate manual processes.

●     Secure Cloud Backup for Unstructured Data 

A Backup Strategy is essential for protecting company data. Backups are fundamentally difficult in the cloud, but organizations should recognize that they are responsible for protecting their cloud data, not the platform provider.

Understanding unstructured data remains a challenge for enterprises.


●     Backup your data in multiple SaaS applications

SaaS providers backup for their purposes and not yours. The immutable backup and WORM (Write One Read Many) drives are no longer reserved for finicky auditors.

Ransomware attacks have become more sophisticated, targeting backup systems and stored data.

This is why it is important to have a backup copy of all data, even if you are an administrator.

●     Multi-Cloud Data Backups Will Become Mainstream To Lower Risk

Multicloud backups will be mainstream to reduce risk, increase fault tolerance and minimize single-point failure.

So, it is advisable to go for multi-cloud backups instead of being dependable on a single one.


Data backups is an essential part of any business. Data is becoming more important as we become more reliant on it.

A company can prevent the loss of critical information by having data backup software.

Apixel IT can help you to backup your data efficiently and ensure its safety.