4 Ways SMEs can Improve Security by Using Cloud Services
Cloud services have usually been considered unsafe by small businesses as it involves handing over all critical data to a third party. This reputation of course is unfounded and misleading. Not only are cloud services financially viable but they are also safer when it comes to data security. It is one of the main reasons why SMEs in Singapore are now choosing cloud solutions with the help of IT support and consultancy companies like us.
- Cloud service providers have large infrastructure that small SMEs just can’t afford which provide better security.
- If a cloud service provider loses data of a client, he’s out of business, so it is in their interest to assure complete security to the client.
Here are 4 ways to make the best use of cloud services in improving security for your business.
1. Outsource All Security Concerns to the Cloud
Cloud services can provide two options to SMEs; infrastructure-as-a-service and software-as-a-service. Although outsourcing just the infrastructure and using your own software gives you more flexibility, it is much better to use the software option because that means that all security concerns will be handled by the cloud service provider.
2. Clear All Doubts before Signing On with a Cloud Provider
It is important to interrogate the cloud provider about all the services they provide and clear all the doubts that you have about the security of your data. Not only will this clearly define what responsibilities the cloud provider has but it will also let you judge the quality of the service provided. A provider who knows what he’s doing will be able to give clear and concise answers to all your questions.
3. Web Security and Email Services should also be outsourced to the Cloud
Even the basic services of email, web hosting, file sharing and web security should be outsourced to the cloud. Cloud solutions providers have great infrastructure to handle all these services. They can provide you with antivirus and anti spam services for email and also provide proxy server services to stop your employees from going on to harmful sites and infecting their devices. SMEs can also augment security by getting additional vulnerability management services that actively look to protect the company’s websites from attacks.
4. Use Cloud Services for Backups after Due Consideration
Cloud services can be used for backups and one of the biggest advantages, aside from better infrastructure and dedicated personnel, is that the backup will be stored off-premise and so will be protected against any local calamity such as fire. One disadvantage can be that with a lot of data being generated, backing up and retrieval can take a very long time. The decision should be based on the particular needs of each SME.
By keeping these 4 points in mind SMEs can make sure that they utilize could services to their full advantage. They can save a lot of money and at the same time improve security if they use could services wisely.